The HOA made me want to sell my Indianapolis real estate

The HOA made me want to sell my Indianapolis real estate

When I bought my home I wasn’t all that concerned that it was part of the HOA.

I figured it would be fine being a part of a community.

I liked that nobody would have a rundown yard or anything controversial in their windows. Well turns out I am the problem. The upkeep and requirements were obscene. I was spending a fortune keeping my yard just so. I also hated that I needed permission to paint or change anything. Most often the answer was no. It felt kind of like living in a communist society. So I decided that I was done. I wanted to sell my HOA home fast. I started with listing my Indianapolis home and didn’t like the offers I got. Not very many people are attracted to the HOA lifestyle. So I realized I sort of had a lemon of a house on my hands. I began looking at Indiana real estate companies that do cash offers. Cash for my Indianapolis home was the best I was going to get. I wasn’t on a timetable and I didn’t mind repairs, but I needed to know the end was coming. Listing it didn’t bear fruit, so the cash offer was the best I could do. I waited until the market was right and then I sold my Indiapollist real estate for cash. With that cash I was able to buy within Indiana a house that I could paint, mow and care for in the way I decide is right. I am so thankful to no longer be part of a community like that.


Sell my house without making repairs Indianapolis Indiana