Sold the real estate for cash after my wife passed

Sold the real estate for cash after my wife passed

My wife was a big Jacksonville real estate buyer. She would consistently try to get Florida homes fast for cash. She was quick to provide cash to get a piece of home in return. She amassed quite a portfolio of Jax real estate. She had a lot of stress in her life with those properties though. She consistently was fixing up homes and hoping to sell them. She had a ton of renters to take care of. She made quite a bit of cash doing cash house offers and handling Florida real estate. However, the stress got to be too much. She ended up passing away from a heart attack way too young in life. I then inherited a big rental home portfolio. At first I tried to keep up with it. I figured my wife would want them to stay in the family. The work was too much though. I can’t repair homes. I can’t deal with renters. I ended up looking for Jax house clients and northeast Florida real estate companies that do cash offers. I figured I would keep it within the same field. My wife enjoyed doing Florida properties for cash. So I found all the people who would hand me cash. It was a small thing I could do, you know? So I sold the entire portfolio and ended up with quite a bit of cash on hand. I have invested in the stock market and have a nice nest egg for a rainy morning. It isn’t what I wanted however it is the best I can do.

JAX FL real estate